Youth Locations
Our mission is to enrich students’ lives via exploration of self, peers and their surroundings. We are contracted with four (4) Allegany County School Districts to provide educational and supportive services in addition to those offered at your child’s school.
What you should know:
- Each extended school day program has their own Parent Handbook and Enrollment Packet.
- School Violence Prevention is available for all students K-12 at Belfast, Fillmore and Friendship School.
- Our services are at NO COST to the participant/family.
Belfast Central School
Programs Offered:
CORE offers a wide variety of school-based programs and family services including STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), bullying and suicide prevention, career exploration, links to community resources, college preparation, and mindfulness skills for youth.

Felisha Potter
After School Program Director

Shelby Moir
After School Program Coordinator

Casey Jordan-Pruitt
Home to School Coordinator

Mental Health Counselor
Belfast Central School
Fillmore Central School
Programs Offered:
CORE offers a wide variety of school-based programs and family services including STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), bullying and suicide prevention, career exploration, links to community resources, college preparation, and mindfulness skills for youth.

Whitney Worthington
After School Program Director

Corita Schafer
Resiliency Coach

Karen Skipper
School Resource Coordinator

Michelle Russell
Mental Health Counselor
Fillmore Central School
Friendship Central School
Programs Offered:
CORE offers a wide variety of school-based programs and family services including STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), bullying and suicide prevention, career exploration, links to community resources, college preparation, and mindfulness skills for youth.

Lacey Wilmot
After School Program Director

Brenda Austin
Resiliency Coach

Kevin Willis
Campus Safety Coordinator

Stacy Schmidt
Mental Health Counselor
Friendship Central School
Genesee Valley Central School
Programs Offered:
CORE offers a wide variety of school-based programs and family services including STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), bullying and suicide prevention, career exploration, links to community resources, college preparation, and mindfulness skills for youth.

Michaela Edmister
STEAM Educator
Genesee Valley Central School
GSA- Belmont CORE Office
Programs Offered:
Last Wednesday of each month- September through June